Tipping in France: A Comprehensive Guide to Gratuity in the Land of Gastronomy

France, known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and exceptional cuisine, is a dream destination for many travelers. However, understanding the local customs and etiquette around tipping can be a challenge for visitors. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of tipping in France, from restaurants and bars to hotels, taxis, and beyond. By the end of this post, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the world of gratuity in France with ease and confidence.

Introduction to Tipping in France

Tipping in France is not as rigid or expected as it is in some other countries, such as the United States. In general, French tipping culture is more relaxed and discretionary. Service charges are usually included in the prices displayed in restaurants, bars, and hotels. Therefore, any additional tip is seen as a gesture of appreciation for good service rather than an obligation.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the etiquette around tipping in France to ensure you’re showing gratitude when appropriate, without accidentally over-tipping or causing offense. In this guide, we’ll cover the various situations in which you might tip, providing you with the knowledge to navigate French tipping customs with confidence.

Tipping in French Restaurants

Understanding Service Compris and Service Non-Compris

When dining in French restaurants, it’s crucial to understand the difference between “service compris” and “service non-compris.” Service compris means that a 10-15% service charge is already included in the price on the menu. In this case, tipping is not required, although it is still customary to leave a small token of appreciation for exceptional service.

On the other hand, if the bill states “service non-compris,” it means that the service charge is not included in the prices. In this case, it’s customary to leave a tip of around 10% of the total bill.

How Much to Tip

As mentioned earlier, tipping in France is generally more discretionary than in other countries. If the service was satisfactory, you might round up the bill to the nearest euro or leave a few extra euros as a tip. For example, if your bill is €47, you could round up to €50.

For exceptional service, a tip of 5-10% of the total bill is considered generous. However, keep in mind that this is a guideline, and you’re free to tip more or less depending on your satisfaction with the service.

How to Leave a Tip

In France, it’s customary to leave the tip on the table rather than handing it directly to the server. When paying by card, you may find that there isn’t an option to add a tip on the card machine. In this case, leaving cash on the table is the preferred method.

Tipping in French Cafés and Bars


When visiting a French café, tipping is not expected but appreciated for good service. If you’ve only ordered a coffee or a light snack, rounding up to the nearest euro or leaving a few small coins as a tip is sufficient. For more substantial purchases or exceptional service, you may choose to leave a slightly larger tip.


Tipping at bars in France is not as common as in some other countries. However, if you receive excellent service or develop a rapport with the bartender, you might choose to leave a small tip as a token of appreciation. Similar to cafés, rounding up to the nearest euro or leaving a few extra coins is generally sufficient.

Tipping at French Hotels

Bellhops and Porters

It’s customary to tip bellhops and porters at hotels in France, as they provide a personal service. A tip of €1-2 per bag is considered appropriate. If they go above and beyond in assisting you, such as providing local recommendations or helping with special requests, you may choose to tip more generously.


Tipping housekeeping staff is not as common in France as it is in some other countries. However, if you’re staying at a luxury hotel or the housekeeping staff has provided exceptional service, you might choose to leave a tip of €1-2 per day. It’s best to leave this tip in an envelope marked “service” or witha note to ensure the intended recipient receives it.


Tipping the concierge at a French hotel is typically reserved for instances where they have provided exceptional service or assistance. This could include making restaurant reservations, arranging transportation, or offering personalized recommendations. In these cases, a tip of €5-10 is considered appropriate, depending on the level of service provided.

Tipping French Taxi Drivers

Tipping taxi drivers in France is not expected but is appreciated for good service. It’s customary to round up the fare to the nearest euro or leave an additional tip of around 5-10% for a particularly helpful or friendly driver. If the driver assists with your luggage, you might consider tipping an additional €1-2 per bag.

Tipping for Other Services in France

Hairdressers and Beauty Services

In France, it’s customary to tip hairdressers and beauty service providers, such as manicurists and estheticians. A tip of around 10% of the total bill is considered appropriate for good service.

Tour Guides

Tipping tour guides in France is a nice gesture, especially for private tours or exceptional experiences. For group tours, a tip of €2-5 per person is considered appropriate, while for private tours, a tip of 10-15% of the total tour cost is suggested.

Spa Services

For spa services in France, tipping is not as expected as it is in some other countries. However, if you receive excellent service, you might choose to leave a tip of around 10% of the total cost.

Common Tipping Questions and Misconceptions

Do I need to tip in France if I’m unhappy with the service?

No, tipping in France is discretionary, and you’re not obligated to tip if you’re unhappy with the service. If you feel the service was subpar, you can choose not to leave a tip.

Is it rude to not tip in France?

In general, not tipping in France is not considered rude, as long as the service charge is included in the bill (service compris) and the service was satisfactory. However, not leaving a tip for exceptional service might be perceived as unappreciative.

Regional Differences in Tipping Practices

France is a diverse country with regional differences in customs and practices, including tipping. In larger cities, like Paris, tipping may be more common due to the high volume of international tourists. In contrast, smaller towns and rural areas might have more relaxed tipping practices. It’s essential to be observant and respectful of local customs when traveling throughout France.

Tips for Tipping in France: A Summary

Navigating the world of tipping in France can be challenging for visitors, but with the knowledge provided in this guide, you can confidently show appreciation for good service. Remember, tipping in France is generally more discretionary than in some other countries, so use your judgment and consider the quality of service you receive when deciding whether and how much to tip.

In summary:

  • Familiarize yourself with “service compris” and “service non-compris” on bills.
  • In restaurants, round up the bill or leave a 5-10% tip for exceptional service.
  • In cafés and bars, round up to the nearest euro or leave a few small coins.
  • Tip bellhops, porters, hairdressers, and beauty service providers.
  • For taxis, round up the fare or tip 5-10% for a particularly helpful or friendly driver.
  • Be aware of regional differences in tipping practices.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re now ready to explore the beautiful French countryside, indulge in its world-renowned cuisine, and navigate tipping customs like a well-informed traveler. Bon voyage!

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4 thoughts on “Tipping in France: A Comprehensive Guide to Gratuity in the Land of Gastronomy”

  1. I recently dined at the charming Café des Deux Moulins in Montmartre, Paris. I was uncertain about tipping etiquette in France, so I left a 10% tip. However, the friendly waiter kindly informed me that the service charge was already included, and tipping wasn’t necessary.

    During my trip, I also discovered the picturesque Place des Vosges and marveled at the architecture. My visit to France was filled with delightful surprises and learning experiences, including the tipping culture. Highly recommended!

    • Thank you for sharing your experience at Café des Deux Moulins in Montmartre! I’m glad to hear that the waiter kindly clarified the tipping etiquette for you and that you had a great time exploring the charming streets of Paris.

      It’s always a treat to discover hidden gems like Place des Vosges while traveling. I appreciate your input and I’m sure other readers will find it helpful when visiting France.

      Don’t hesitate to share more travel stories or ask any questions you might have. Happy travels!

  2. On my recent trip to France, I had an unfortunate experience with tipping at Le Petit Bistro in Marseille. Unfamiliar with French tipping customs, I left a 15% tip, assuming it was similar to the US.

    To my surprise, the waiter confronted me, seemingly offended by the tip, and demanded more. Flustered, I complied, but I later discovered that a service charge was already included in the bill. I felt taken advantage of, which left a sour taste in my mouth.

    Despite this incident, I still enjoyed exploring France’s beautiful landscapes and architecture. Just be aware of local tipping customs to avoid misunderstandings!

    Safe travels!

    • I’m sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience with tipping at Le Petit Bistro in Marseille. It’s disappointing when misunderstandings like this occur and leave a negative impact on your trip.

      I appreciate you sharing this experience with our readers, as it serves as a reminder to be aware of local customs and to double-check the bill for service charges. I hope that, aside from this incident, you were able to enjoy the beauty and charm that France has to offer.

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